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Discovery at Nerwolix Page 12

  Reid spins, diving for me, but there’s not enough time. The sparring birds roll toward us and flapping their giant, golden wings, they send Reid flying back. I watch him soar through the air, past the Eckles as he disappears in the dust cloud.


  “FALLON!” he calls from the other side.

  Stumbling to my feet, I’m knocked down again, the tip of a frenzied wing slicing me hard across the stomach. Wrapping an arm around the pain, I use my other hand to pull myself away. More debris rains through the air and crawling through it, I move further into a trail of splintered bark.

  “FALLON!” Reid yells from the other side of the fueling Ludins. Back on their gray talons again, they’re jabbing at each other with black, pointed beaks, flapping massive wings as they clear the forest.

  “Are you okay?” I cough on the dust, crawling further from their fight. My stomach still soars with pain, but I ignore it. “Reid?”

  Just get away from here. Just get away.

  But my knees are screaming too. Pressed against broken bark, their jagged needles slice my skin. Oh, I’m going to be a bloody mess when I get up. But I need to. Stumbling to my feet, I glance down and find that my knees and part of my shins are splotched red. I can worry about that later. I just need to get away from here. Still gripping my stomach with one hand, I swipe at the clouded air with the other, trying to find my way.

  “Fallon—where are you?” Reid’s voice echoes.

  “I’ll meet you on the other side,” I try to call, but my words gets lost in the cacophonous crashing and gnarling. Swiping the rattling Yulus from my face, I push forward, making my way around the battling duo, where a nearly undisturbed portion of dark trees sit. I’ll make my way through them and, hoping the Ludins don’t follow, emerge on the opposite side with the others. Reid is calling for me again, but his voice is faint in the distance. Part of me wants to call back but it’s no use. I’ll be with him momentarily if I can just—

  White wings flutter past. They’re joined instantly by another set and then a third. The three dance past each other, slowly drawing further into the darkened Eckles ahead.

  It’s them.

  “Fallon!” Reid soars through the murky air and over the fallen trunks. The Ludins are still fighting behind him, but he’s at my side in seconds, scooping me up.

  “I’m fine,” I protest, but he keeps me clutched close to his chest.

  “You’re bleeding,” he starts for the same direction I was headed, already in a run. “Let’s get the others and get out of here.”

  The Ludins tumble behind us, snapping and snarling, but Reid doesn’t stop. With me clutched in his arms, he races through the trees, over the broken bark and settling debris. Walker, Jace and Booker have already made it to the mountainside, along with the others.

  It’s just us.

  I start to protest that I can run, but Reid won’t have it. His arms are steel bars around me, clutching my body to his. He’s moving fast—too fast for me to keep up—so I submit, allowing him to carry me all the way to the valley. After a bit, the Ludins’ rumbling quiets and the crashing Eckles cease to scream.

  We reach the tunnel which is a tight opening in the brown wall, but Reid doesn’t slow. He slips right through it and we find ourselves in the narrow passage where the others are waiting, pacing in the small space. Pratt and Mae sit on the ground, their backs against the wall and their arms around their knees. Everyone looks up as we arrive.

  “Boss,” Tucker runs up, eyeing me quickly before returning focus to Reid.

  “Everybody alright?”

  “You’re bleeding,” Walker approaches, eyeing my red knees and shins. He takes a deep breath, hands on his hips. “We need to get some Tregmint on it.”

  “We will as soon as we get back to the city,” Reid squeezes me closer. “I’d give it a few minutes—no point racing back into the fire.”

  “She’s bleeding, Rox.”

  “Think I don’t know that?”

  “I’m fine—just a few cuts.” I protest Reid’s arms now, looking to find ground beneath my feet. With a glare at Walker, he acquiesces and places me in front of him.

  “So what was that?” Able steps up, holding his shoulder as his wide, frenzied eyes flicker from Reid to Walker. “I thought we were enjoying a day at the beach?”

  “And we didn’t even go in,” Jace shakes his head. “I was hoping for some water fun and we get this?”

  “Does it happen often?” Mae’s soft voice asks.

  “Sometimes,” Walker nods, turning to her, “when we’re all the way out here. Never by the city though.”

  “And you didn’t think to tell us?” Reid glares.

  “It’s not an everyday occurrence. Do I tell you about all the things that could happen?” Walker snaps. “No.”

  “Maybe you should. That way, we’ll be better prepared next time.”

  “We all got out alive, didn’t we?”

  “Barely,” Reid crosses his arms.

  “Look,” Walker storms over, “lots of things could happen. Yeah, a Horrop could come racing through the trees but is it likely? Not really. So fucking relax, Rox.”

  “Get out of my face.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or so help me God, I will end you right now.”

  “Always such violence,” Walker shakes his head, looking to me. “And this does it for you?”

  Reid advances but I jump between them, shoving each back. “Stop. We’re all just wound up. Look,” I gesture for the tunnel’s quiet exit. “It sounds like they’re gone. Let’s just get back to the city, okay?”

  Finally breaking his glare, Reid faces the exit and the group lets out a collective sigh.

  A quiet moment passes until Pratt shakes her head, tightening the hold around her knees. “Those Ludins were really crazy. We’re lucky to have gotten out alive.”

  “Wonder why they were fighting…” Mae muses.

  Reid bends down to examine my legs. With a wince, he frowns and stands straight again, leaning in. “Let me know if you need me to carry you.”

  “She’s a big girl, Rox,” Walker crosses his arms. “She doesn’t need your constant babying.”

  “Hey,” I turn to Walker.

  “What?” he shrugs innocently. “I think it’s great. He ever does something you don’t like, just come to me,” he winks. “I’ll do it better.”

  Reid jets forward and all the Rogues instantly create a barrier between the two. Even Pratt and Mae are on their feet because right now, the look in Reid’s eyes promises death. Walker backs up, a lump rolling down his throat.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Able yells.

  “I didn’t think he’d go all Rox.”

  Reid nearly flies past Able but Booker holds him back, using his wide form to keep him from advancing. Jace, Tucker and Werzo try rationalizing, sending calming words to their leader but it seems to have no effect. Reid is paralyzed in fury.

  “Stop it!” Pratt’s screaming, but no one’s listening. “Guys—cut it out!”

  This is going to get bad—quick. Reid is about to tear through the mass of Rogues, his lethal eyes like I’ve never seen them. Before, when he killed Mantis and that Vermix on Larupip, there was a look of determination but now… it’s one of utter abhorrence. He wants to end Walker because he wants to, not because he has to.

  “STOP!” I scream, but like Pratt, it has no effect. Reid is really about to kill Walker. I’m not sure what can stop him, so I do the only thing I can think of. “We’re leaving!”

  Gesturing for Pratt and Mae to follow, I start for the tunnel’s exit. The girls are on my heel as we leave the safety of the tunnel and head into the open again. Refusing to look back, I trudge forward, ignoring the pain in my knees and stomach as we head for the Eckles. Not even a minute outside of the passage and the boys are right behind us.

  I’m swept up in Reid’s arms.

  With his mouth set in a hard line and his glare focused on nothing in pa
rticular, Reid carries me in silence. I think about protesting again, demanding he put me back on my feet, but he’s struggling with some internal battle, like whether or not he should place me down, kill Walker, and pick me back up. Because of this, I bite my tongue, glad his arms are around me and not Walker’s neck.

  In complete and awkward silence, we all head back to the city for the longest trip imaginable.

  Chapter Ten: Testosterone

  “What happened to you?” Clarence frowns as we enter Sampson’s home. Qippert, Blovid, Jothkore, Vix and Sampson look up from where they’ve laid out a map on the bed. Clarence moves forward, scanning our disheveled appearances.

  “Ludins,” Tucker answers first, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.

  “They attacked?”

  “Not us,” Able shakes his head, falling onto a red cushion in the corner, “each other. We were just lucky enough to be in the cross fire.”

  “Oh dear…” Blovid glances around, eyeing me in Reid’s arms. “Fallon—were you hurt again?”

  “They’re just scratches,” I say and Reid willingly places me on my feet. “I’m fine.”

  “She needs some Vilbrees.”

  “I’ve got it,” Clarence reaches for the bowl, gesturing me to Sampson’s bed. Blovid picks up the map and waves me onto to the red linen. I sit down and stretch my legs out in front of me, bending them slightly at the knees.

  “And the rest of you?” Sampson asks.

  “Fine,” Tucker nods, “just a little frazzled.”

  “It must have been some fight,” he eyes the group, pausing on the exhaustion of the Rogues. “Yet, I’m seeing more anger than fear. What exactly happened?”

  “Which part?” Jace laughs, following Able’s cue to relax on the red cushions. Pratt and Mae do the same, sitting on the edge of the bed while Booker and Werzo follow. Tucker, Walker and Reid are the only ones left standing.

  “What do you mean?” Clarence sits beside me, the bowl of Vilbrees in his hand. Dipping two fingers in the bluish-green medicine, he lightly applies it to my knees, rubbing in a circular motion.

  “Well,” Jace exhales, crossing his hands behind his head, “there was the Ludin brawl… and then the other.”

  “Between who?” Sampson glances between Reid and Walker who refuse to acknowledge one another.


  With a sigh, the Fychu crosses his arms. He makes a lap around the small space, finally pausing with a scolding stare at Reid. “This needs to be resolved.”

  “In all fairness,” Tucker says, “Walker starts it.”


  “You goad him!”

  “He made my life on Harrizel hell. I’m allowed to speak freely if I want. He can control his anger,” Walker turns his focus on Reid. “And his fist.”

  “He didn’t even hit you…” Able rolls his eyes.

  “He was trying to kill me.”

  “Yeah,” Jace grinds his teeth, “after you insinuated you’d sleep with his girl. Again.”

  I instantly redden as all eyes fly to me. Even Clarence pauses rubbing the Vilbrees into my shin. He looks from Jace to Walker to Reid. Finally he shifts focus to me again and continues applying the medicinal lotion.

  “Okay…” Sampson exhales. “How are we going to solve this?”

  “Kill Walker,” Reid shrugs.

  “No. You are an Arizal. We do not believe in the unjust killing of any creature.”

  “I think it’s justified.”

  “You must keep them away from one another,” Qippert approaches the set of tense bodies. “They are bound to keep attacking one another if they are to occupy the same space.”

  “No,” Sampson shakes his head. “When the Vermix attack, we will need to work together to defeat them. We cannot worry about them being unable to share the same space.”

  “Maybe it’s unsolvable,” Reid sighs, crossing his arms. A long, silent minute passes before he takes another deep breath. “I can promise my hardest not to kill him.”

  “That’s not good enough.”

  “That’s what I can offer.”

  “You must understand, young Rogue,” Blovid starts, “if you were to harm a tribesman, we would lose support of the Zingfinolds.”

  “Why?” Reid turns to him. “We’re staying as Tucker’s guests. Not Walker’s.”

  “Killing any tribesman, host or not, would get you kicked out, bud,” Walker frowns. “Sorry.”

  “Then Fallon and I can go back to Mybyncia. We’ll help Queen Ravan and the chancellor prepare for any more Vermix raids.”

  “Look,” Sampson exhales, heavily annoyed now. “No one is killing anyone. No one is going anywhere. The two of you,” his eyes flicker between Reid and Walker, “are going to have to deal with this. You need to leave your past behind you and move forward. That was then, and this is now. Words are hollow,” he turns to Reid, “they mean nothing. Action is what you should be upset over.”

  “I am.”

  “No, you are upset over past action. Not present. If he is going to goad you, you must be the bigger man. I have told you this several times—there are more important things at stake here.”

  Slowly, Reid’s eyes drop as his head rolls into a nod.

  “And you,” Sampson turns to Walker. “Grow up.”

  “But I—”

  “If you are smart, you won’t finish that sentence. Now,” he glances over everyone. “Maybe a little recess from today’s events are in order? Why don’t you all go back to your homes for a little while? Relax some.”

  Everyone starts for the curtain and I jump off the bed to join them. Reid is behind me in a second, but then Sampson calls, “Reid? Stay here for a minute please?”

  Hesitantly, he pauses and I stop with him, both of us turning to the Fychu.

  “It’s okay—Fallon can go back. You’ll see her later.”

  Looking at me with an uncomfortable smile, Reid lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. A flutter ripples through my chest and I turn to leave Sampson’s home. I need to get back to my room and think. Or maybe sleep. Honestly, I am pretty worn out from everything earlier—it wouldn’t hurt to take a quick nap.

  Heading over the bridge, I make my way for my Zingfinold home, spotting red hair on the other side. Walker meets me when I step off the branch and I do my best to ignore him. With my eyes down, I push past him but he keeps to my side. I’m almost to my trunk when he reaches for my shoulder but I whip around to him before he can do it.



  “What the hell is your problem?” I stop, crossing my arms. I’m boiling with rage, my body shaking with untamed fury. “For real, you need to cut this shit out. Now.”

  Walker winces with a step back. “Sorry. I—”

  “Why do you do it?” I move closer. “Why? I know you hate him, but you did sleep with Ansley.”

  “Thanks for the recap.”

  “I didn’t force you to. Reid didn’t force you—”

  “Yeah, I know,” he scowls. “It was the Kings remember?”

  “But Reid didn’t do anything to—”

  “Uh yeah, he did. He made my life hell. You don’t understand, Fallon,” Walker inches closer and lowers his voice. “I was threatened by the Rogues constantly. And all over something I had no choice in.”

  “But how is that his fault?”

  “He didn’t call them off.”

  “And he was supposed to?”

  “He was supposed to be one of the good guys. He didn’t even look into what happened. Wouldn’t even take a moment to—”

  “Can you blame him?”

  “Please,” Walker rolls his eyes, “he was lukewarm on Ansley anyway. But it didn’t matter. His pride was hurt, which is what the Kings wanted, and that was that. Those bastards basically dealt me a death sentence but did anyone stop to ask me why I did it? No. They pegged me as the asshole credited for sending their leader on hiatus. I had to constantly watch my back s
ince the Rogues were always looking to take a shot at it. Rox knew what was happening. Had he bothered to look into why it happened in the first place, I might not have had so many close calls,” he exhales, “so excuse me for giving him a tough time.”

  I close my mouth, trying to put myself in Walker’s place. I never really thought about it from his perspective. I never considered how hard it must’ve been to do what he did, to seduce the girl of the most powerful Rogue, knowing it could get you killed if you did. Knowing it would get you killed if you didn’t.

  Fumbling for a response, I try remembering why I was so upset. “You’re making me uncomfortable.”

  His face falls. “That’s not the intent.”

  “Well you are.”

  A deep frown crosses his lips. “I’ll stop, okay? For you…” he takes a breath, “I’ll stop.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I just wish…” he runs his hands down his face. “I just wish it was the other way around.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Yeah, he hates me because of the whole Ansley thing—I get it. But if that didn’t happen… if the Kings didn’t…” he hooks his hands on his hips and sighs. “You’d look at us equally. You’d,” he shrugs, “give me a chance. You’d be my girl instead of his.”

  I don’t know what to say.

  Does Walker really have feelings for me? I guess he’s not just doing this to get back at Reid… but where are these feelings coming from? He’s caught me so off guard that my mouth just hangs open, words refusing to surface and make this moment pass.

  “Anyway,” he shrugs, “just thought you should know.”

  “Walker…” my words come out in whispers. “I-I love Reid.”

  A second of genuine surprise flashes across his face. He nods, absorbing the information as his focus shifts to the ground. “Well I guess I’m a little too late then,” he backs up with an angry frown. “Sorry to have bothered you.”

  Walker is already heading back over the bridge and I’m still standing here, searching for a response. What just happened? What was that last part about wanting me to be his girl? I stare after Walker, watching him leave, trying to process everything. Where did all that come from? We were talking about him and Reid and what happened with Ansley and then… and then he dropped that on me.